LoveElland beyond
Over the last few years, we have developed links with professionals to provide household items and food for vulnerable people.
Through the project, we have supplied families in need with furniture, soft furnishings and kitchenware, bedding and white goods (PAT tested).
Our heart is to reach the most needy in the community (including asylum seekers and those fleeing domestic violence) and, where necessary, we hope to provide a free house set up service. Referrals come via professionals and will provision is according to need and availability.
For more information, feel free to contact us on 07793519580. All work completed with vulnerable families and adults is done so in the context of our safeguarding policy which can be found here.
Looking beyond Elland, we have developed strong relationship with a group of churches in Tanzania based in Mbeya, giving financial and practical support from ECC. Teams of volunteers from ECC have travelled out to support work in the nursery and outreach into the community. We also have links with local schools in Calderdale who have helped to raise funds to support the work of the nursery which provides places for children whose parents cannot afford school places for them.